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Jan 14, 2025

working smart

if i can reduce the number of keystrokes and clicks needed to accomplish a task by paying for some niche, specialized software, i will do so every time. (ex. i pay $100/yr for a web browser)

not paying would be the equivalent of carrying bricks to the worksite by hand instead of using a wheelbarrow. you can save money without buying a wheelbarrow, but the job will take twice or three times as long, and your energy will be spent quickly.

prolonged knowledge work (computer work) drains your brain’s energy (compute), and you only have so much per day. it’s best to use it on important tasks, not on copy-pasting, manual data entry, proofreading, or calculating.

for those new to this way thinking - some of these costs will be hard to justify, especially for things with freely available alternatives. however, that reduction is in mouse movements, keystrokes, and clicks (brain energy) which will make all the difference in your income and energy levels.